ACE ammunition, casualty, and equipment (report)
accy accuracy
ADA air defense artillery
ADAM artillery-delivered antipersonnel mine
ALICE all-purpose, lightweight, individual carrying equipment
ammo ammunition
AO area of operation
AP armor-piercing
API armor-piercing incendiary
API-T armor-piercing incendiary tracer
APERS antipersonnel
AR Army regulation; automatic rifleman
ARTEP Army Training and Evaluation Program
ASAP as soon as possible
BAS battalion aid station
BFV Bradley fighting vehicle
BMP (a Threat fighting vehicle)
BP battle position
BTR (a Threat vehicle)
cal caliber
CCP casualty collection point
cGy centigray
chem chemical
ci counterintelligence
co company
CO commanding officer
COMSEC communications security
CP command post
CPHD Copperhead
CP-OP command post-observation post
CS combat support
CSS combat service support
CTT common task test
DA Department of the Army
demo demolition
deton detonation
DOA direction of attack
DLIC detachment(s) left in contact
DPICM dual-purpose improved conventional munition
DS direct support
DZ drop zone
ea each
EA engagement area
eff effective
EM enlisted member
EPW enemy prisoner of war
FA field artillery
FASCAM family of scatterable mines
FEBA forward edge of the battle area
1SG first sergeant
FIST fire support team
FM field manual; frequency modulated
FO forward observer
FPF final protective fires
FPL final protective line
frag fragmentaion
FRAGO fragmentary order
FSO fire support officer
GL grid line
grn grenadier
GSR ground surveillance radar
GTA graphic training aid
HE high explosive
HEAT high-explosive antitank
HEDP high-explosive dual purpose
HEP high-explosive plastic
HEP-T high-explosive plastic-tracer
HMMWV high-mobility, multipurpose, wheeled vehicle
hq headquarters
HUMINT human intelligence
IAW in accordance with
illum illumination
in inch
incen incendiary
IPW prisoner of war interrogation
KIA killed in action
kmph kilometers per hour
LAW light antitank weapon
lb pound
LBE load-bearing equipment
LD line of departure
ldr leader
LOGPAC logistics package
LOS line of sight
lt light
LZ landing zone
m meters
MAW medium antitank weapon
max maximum
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
METT-T mission, enemy, terrain, troops and time available
mg machine gun
min minimum
mm millimeter
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
MOS military occupational specialty
MOUT military operations on urbanized terrain
MRE meal, ready-to-eat
MRP motorized rifle platoon (Threat)
MT mechanical time
MTOE modified table of organization and equipment
MTP mission training plan
MTSQ mechanical time, super quick (fuze)
N/A not applicable
NAI named area of interest
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC nuclear, biological, chemical
NCO noncommissioned officer
NLT not later than
nuc nuclear
NVD night vision device
obj objective
OCOKA observation and fields of fire, cover and concealment, obstacles and movement, key terrain, and avenues of approach
off officer
OP observation post
OPCON operational control
OPORD operation order
ORP objective rally point
oz ounce
P phosorus
PAC Personnel and Administration Center
PB patrol base
PDF principal direction of fire
PEWS platoon early warning system
PL phase line
PLD probable line of deployment
plt platoon
PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services
PSG platoon sergeant
PW prisoner of war
R rifleman
RAAWS ranger antiarmor weapon system
R&S reconnaissance and security
RAP rocket-assisted projectile
RATELO radiotelephone operator
RCLR recoilless rifle
rd round, road
RDF radio direction finder
recon reconnaissance
rgr ranger
ROE rules of engagement
RP release point
rpm revolution per minute
RRP reentry rally point
S1 Adjutant (US Army)
S3 Operations and Training Officer (US Army)
S4 Supply Officer (US Army)
SALUTE size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment
SDT self-development test
sec section, second
SFC sergeant first class
SGT sergeant
SL squad leader
SMCT soldier’s manual of common tasks
SOI signal operation instructions
SOP standing operating procedure
SOSR suppress, obscure, secure, and reduce
sqd squad
SSG staff sergeant
SSN social security number
SSSC self-service supply centers
SSW south southwest
STANAG Standardization Agreement
STB supertropical bleach
STP soldier’s training publication
T&E traversing and elevating mechanism
TACSOP tactical SOP
TL team leader
TLP troop-leading procedure
tm team
TM technical manual
tng training
TOE table(s) of organization and equipment
TOW tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided
TP training practice
TRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRP target reference point
US United States
vic vicinity
VT variable time
w with
WP white phosphorus
wpn weapon
XO executive officer